Submandibular Surgery in Bakersfield
Submandibular surgery is used to address infections, tumors, or other conditions affecting the submandibular gland. Bakersfield Sinus Center offers this treatment to residents of Porterville, Bakersfield, CA and nearby areas.
What is Submandibular Surgery?
Submandibular surgery is a surgical procedure performed to remove the submandibular glands. This treatment is recommended when the submandibular glands develop tumors or become enlarged due to infections or other conditions.
The submandibular glands are salivary glands located beneath the jaw. Even though they play a role in producing saliva for the mouth, the removal of submandibular glands will not impact your ability to make saliva. There are many other glands in and around the mouth that will continue to produce enough saliva.
Why Choose Satish R. Vadapalli, MD for Your Submandibular Surgery?
Dr. Vadapalli specializes in head and neck surgery as well as many sinus and snoring treatments. With over two decades of experience, he is an ideal candidate for performing submandibular surgery and related procedures. No matter what treatment you are receiving, you can always expect the attentive and personalized care for which we are known.
What is the Submandibular Surgery Treatment Like?
Submandibular surgery is typically performed with general anesthesia. Once anesthesia is administered, an incision will be made within a natural crease in the neck, minimizing the visibility of any scarring. Once the incision is made, the submandibular gland will be carefully removed using precise surgical techniques. Once removed, the incision will be closed, and Dr. Vadapalli will place a drain in the incision to allow fluids to escape and facilitate a smooth healing process.
What is the Submandibular Surgery Recovery Like?
After submandibular surgery, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, and soreness in the treatment area. These symptoms as well as any scarring will fade after about two weeks. We recommend taking about one week off of work, exercise, and other usual activities in order to rest as much as possible and facilitate healing.
What Results Can I Expect from Submandibular Surgery?
Submandibular surgery completely removes the submandibular glands to eliminate tumors, infections, and other conditions that affect the glands. You will not notice an impact on your body’s ability to produce saliva as there are other glands around the mouth that will continue to provide ample saliva. Once submandibular glands are removed, there is not further risk of developing tumors or infections in the area.
Bakersfield Sinus Center offers submandibular surgery to men and women living in Porterville, Bakersfield, and the neighboring communities of California. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your initial consultation.