Plugged Ears in Bakersfield
Plugged ears can cause hearing difficulties, and in extreme cases, ear aches and pains. At Bakersfield Sinus Center, we offer treatment for plugged ears to help patients in and around Bakersfield and Porterville, CA find relief.
What Are Plugged Ears?
Plugged ears is a condition that develops when the ear canals are blocked by ear wax or other objects. In children, it is not unusual to find small objects such as food or toys in the ear canal (often as a result of play).
In any case, plugged ears can quickly cause significant discomfort and even hearing problems. If plugged ears go untreated for too long, they can cause developmental issues and other serious side effects. Satish R. Vadapalli, MD is proud to offer treatments for plugged ears to help patients find quick relief.
How Are Plugged Ears Diagnosed?
Plugged ears are one of several conditions that can cause discomfort in the ears and hearing difficulties. For this reason, patients may need a professional diagnosis in order to determine the cause of their symptoms. If you are experiencing these symptoms and are unsure of the cause, you may need to seek professional care.
Most often, the cause of plugged ears is simply a buildup of ear wax. After a certain point, the ear wax can not be removed using at-home remedies. When you visit Bakersfield Sinus Center, we assess your symptoms and perform an examination to determine the source of your plugged ears. Once we determine the primary cause, we can recommend a treatment that will work for you.
How Are Plugged Ears Treated?
The treatment of your plugged ears will depend on your diagnosis.
If your plugged ears are a result of a buildup of ear wax in the ear canals, we will recommend ear wax removal. This is a simple, quick, and comfortable procedure in which we will use a specialized tool to carefully remove ear wax. This treatment is especially effective and does not pose any risk to the inner anatomy of the ear.
Can Plugged Ears Be Completely Cured?
At Bakersfield Sinus Center, our goal is to help you achieve an improved quality of life by providing quick relief from plugged ears. However, the cause of your plugged ears will determine the extent and duration of the results you are able to achieve.
If your plugged ears are caused by ear wax, our ear wax removal treatment can provide quick and significant results. However, a buildup of ear wax is often caused by a neglect for ear hygiene. We recommend that patients cleanse their ears of ear wax on a regular basis in order to prevent plugged ears from developing again. Ear wax removal cannot prevent plugged ears from occurring in the future.
Are you or your child suffering from plugged ears? Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vadapalli. We welcome patients from Porterville, Bakersfield, and the neighboring communities of California.